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Release "Diplomacy - Sprint II"

Published on (2023-08-01)

Configure Diplomacy Status Allied

A Regent can configure the diplomatic relations: Allied

AS-IS Relation TO-BE Relation Necessary Agreement?
Allied Neutral Yes
Allied Partial Embargo No
Allied Total Embargo No
Neutral Partial Embargo No
Neutral Total Embargo No
Neutral Allied Yes
Partial Embargo Total Embargo No
Partial Embargo Neutral Yes
Partial Embargo Allied Yes
Total Embargo Partial Embargo Yes
Total Embargo Neutral Yes
Total Embargo Allied Yes


Various actions will be inhibited or permitted depending on the diplomatic relations:

Relations Sell/Buy from Market Buy Shop/Farms/Breedings Extract Resources Prepare Lesson/Study Cross Kingdom Join Battlefield Get Cured at Hospital Raid/Conquer
Allied Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Neutral Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No
Partial Embargo No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No
Total Embargo No No No No Yes No Yes No

Joining a Battlefield

With diplomacy statuses, the option to open or close a Battlefield becomes obsolete, so there will be only one option: Attack.

Only players with the same citizenship or citizens of an Allied Kingdom will be able to participate in a battle.